
JAKARTA - As many as 58 people with social welfare problems (PMKS) in the East Jakarta area are brought under control during Ramadan.

Of the 58 PMKS that were caught, they consisted of 16 scavengers, 12 buskers, 11 hawkers, 6 illegal parking attendants, 3 manusia gerobak, 3 homeless people, 2 street children, 2 beggars, 1 person with mental problems (ODMK), 1 abandoned person and 1 donation requester.

The 58 PMKS were secured from 10 sub-districts in East Jakarta.

Head of East Jakarta Satpol PP, Budhy Novian, said that controlling PMKS is to enforce DKI Jakarta Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 8 of 2007 concerning Public Order.

"The local people are very concerned about the enforcement of regional regulations and the rise of PMKS and they are trying to make Jakarta more comfortable," said Budhy, Friday, April 22.

Kramat Jati sub-district is one of the locations where PMKS is most likely to be caught.

"Of the 10 sub-districts, the most in Kramat Jati are 8 people. Then in Makasar District there are 7 people. Cipayung and Duren Sawit subdistricts are 6 each," he said.

Meanwhile, in Pasar Rebo Sub-district, no PMKS was caught by the operation. The PMKS who were secured were handed over to the Bina Insan Bangun Daya Social Institution (PSBI BD) 2, Cipayung.

"Furthermore, the PMKS were handed over to the Cipayung Social Institution to be given mental, spiritual and skill guidance," he said.

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