
JAKARTA - The COVID-19 Task Force reports that the number of COVID-19 patients undergoing quarantine and treatment in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province has increased by two per day, bringing the total to 55 people.

Secretary of the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Mikron Antariksa, said that two additional COVID-19 patients were from Pangkalpinang and Central Bangka.

Quoting Antara, he detailed that COVID-19 sufferers who are still undergoing quarantine are spread across Belitung (17), Pangkalpinang (16), Bangka (7), West Bangka (7), Central Bangka (6), South Bangka (1) and East Belitung (1).

According to him, as many as 44 COVID-19 patients are undergoing self-isolation at their respective homes and 11 others are undergoing quarantine and treatment at a referral hospital.

Mikron said that as of Friday, five of the seven regencies and cities in Bangka Belitung Province did not experience additional cases of corona virus infection.

Areas that did not experience additional COVID-19 cases included Bangka, West Bangka, South Bangka, Belitung, and East Belitung.

Although cases of COVID-19 transmission continue to decline, Mikron reminded residents to remain disciplined in implementing health protocols to prevent transmission of the corona virus so that cases of viral infection do not increase again.

"Supervision and enforcement of health procedures are still optimized. There should not be a spike in cases after Lebaran," he said.

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