
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nawawi Pomolango appreciated the quick steps taken by the Attorney General's Office (AGO) to identify four suspects in the alleged corruption case in the export of cooking oil.

This step, continued Nawawi, is considered as evidence of the enthusiasm of many parties to eradicate corruption. Moreover, the work of eradicating corruption is not only the responsibility of the KPK.

"The AGO's work at least illustrates that the spirit of eradicating corruption has become a joint work and is not just a matter for the KPK," said Nawawi, quoted on Friday, April 22.

Although appreciative, the anti-corruption commission denies losing to the Adhyaksa Corps. Nawawi said that the KPK had actually started conducting studies since the existence of the cooking oil mafia was detected.

"In fact, the results of this study have been discussed together with the KPK Investigation Directorate," he said.

However, Nawawi admitted that the KPK had no problem with the Attorney General's Office handling the case. In fact, his institution supports efforts to investigate the alleged corruption.

"If then friends at the AGO have quickly started their work, of course it must be supported," said Nawawi.

As previously reported, the Attorney General's Office has named four suspects in corruption cases related to the provision of export facilities for crude palm oil (CPO) and its derivatives. One of them, the Director General (Dirjen) of Foreign Trade (Daglu) of the Ministry of Trade with the initials IWW.

Meanwhile, the other three suspects came from the private sector, namely the senior Manager of Corporate affairs of the Permata Hijau Group with the initials SMA; Commissioner of PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia with the initials MPT; and the General Manager of PT Musim Mas with the initials PT.

The Attorney General's Office said that three suspects from the company had intensively tried to approach the Director General of Trade at the Ministry of Trade IWW to obtain a CPO export permit. In fact, the three are not companies that are entitled to export approval.

As a result of their actions, the suspects have caused losses to the country's economy. In addition, they also make cooking oil expensive and scarce in the country.

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