
BANDA ACEH - Personnel from Unit IV PPA Sat Reskrim Polresta Banda Aceh arrested a father JM (43) in Aceh Besar who was suspected of raping and sexually abusing his biological child (14 years) up to eight times. This depraved act was against his own son eight times," said Head of Criminal Investigation at the Banda Aceh Police, Kompol M Ryan Citra Yudha, in Banda Aceh, Thursday, April 21. Raya Aceh Besar. According to Ryan, the perpetrators carried out the abuse and rape of the 14-year-old victim at his home. The first time was carried out in November 2021 until the last time was on April 14, 2022 yesterday. "The first time this happened was November 2021, when the victim was sleeping alone, the perpetrator entered and carried out his action. The victim tried to fight back but the perpetrator didn't care, the victim could only cry in fear at that time, " he said quoted by Antara.

Because he couldn't take it anymore, Ryan continued, the victim finally got up the courage to tell her mother about the incident and finally made a police report at the SPKT Polresta Banda Aceh.

"After we received the report from the victim's mother, we immediately arrested the perpetrator on the same day at around 15.00 WIB," he said. In this case, the police also secured a number of the victim's clothes as evidence. The perpetrator is still being detained at the Banda Aceh Police Headquarters for further legal proceedings. "The perpetrator is suspected of violating Article 49 in conjunction with Article 47 of Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2014 concerning Jinayat Law," said Commissioner Ryan.

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