
JAKARTA - The mass of students on behalf of the Indonesian Student Alliance (AMI) who demonstrated in the area of the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue, Central Jakarta, dispersed from the demonstration location.

Although their demands have been read out, the students feel disappointed because the objectives of the action were not achieved. They want to be met by President Joko Widodo and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin. However, until the action was disbanded, Jokowi and Ma'ruf did not meet them.

"Actually, we wanted to meet and directly convey the demands to the President and Vice President. But the President and Vice President did not meet us. This is a form of our disappointment with President Joko Widodo and his deputy," said one student representative at the location, Thursday, April 21. .


With seven demands voiced in today's action, students criticized Jokowi for immediately meeting them in person.

"Our demands have never changed, we never want to meet anyone except President Jokowi and his deputy Ma'ruf Amin," he said.

If Jokowi does not schedule a meeting with the students, the mass demonstrations threaten to hold demonstrations again in large numbers and spread across various regions in Indonesia.

Here are the seven demands of students in action today:

1. Strict action against constitutional criminals and reject the discourse of extending the term of office of the president.2. Lower the price of basic needs and overcome economic inequality.3. Take firm action against all repressive actions against civil society with a strict and non-discriminatory mechanism.4. Realize scientific, free and democratic education.5. Pass the pro-people bill, reject the pro-oligarchy bill.6. Realize true agrarian reform.7. Complete all human rights violations.

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