
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Nawawi Pomolango, said his party had conducted a study after there was a lot of attention on the cooking oil mafia. This assessment was carried out at the Monitoring Directorate as well as being discussed at the KPK Investigation Directorate.

This was conveyed by Nawawi in response to the assumption that the KPK had lost a step compared to the Attorney General's Office (AGO) to deal with allegations of corruption in the export of cooking oil.

"Actually, the KPK has been busy discussing the cooking oil mafia by conducting a study conducted by the Monitoring Directorate, and the results of this study have even been discussed with the Directorate of Investigation", said Nawawi in a written statement to reporters, Thursday, April 21.

Even though the KPK has conducted a study, the KPK has no problem if the Attorney General's Office has already investigated the alleged corruption. Because, Nawawi said, efforts to eradicate racism are not only the task of his institution but also other institutions.

"If then friends at the AGO have quickly started their work, of course, it must be supported", he said.

"The work of the Attorney General's Office at least gives an illustration that the spirit of eradicating corruption has become a joint work and is not just a matter for the KPK", Nawawi added.

As previously reported, the Attorney General's Office has named four suspects in corruption cases related to the provision of export facilities for crude palm oil (CPO) and its derivatives. One of them is the Director-General of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Trade with the initials IWW.

Meanwhile, the other three suspects came from the private sector, namely the Senior Manager of Corporate Affairs of the Permata Hijau Group with the initials SMA; Commissioner of PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia with the initials MPT; and the General Manager of PT Musim Mas with the initials PT.

The Attorney General's Office said that three suspects from the company had intensively tried to approach the Director-General of Trade at the Ministry of Trade IWW to obtain a CPO export permit. In fact, the three are not companies that are entitled to export approval.

As a result of their actions, the suspects have caused losses to the country's economy. In addition, they also make cooking oil expensive and scarce in the country.

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