
BANGKA - The Government of West Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province received assistance for Social Rehabilitation Assistance (Atensi) from the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) which was distributed through Balai Melati in the amount of Rp.765,668,750.

"This assistance will then be distributed to target residents, namely the elderly, people with disabilities and orphans," said West Bangka Deputy Regent Bong Ming Ming in Mentok, Antara, Thursday, April 21.

According to him, the assistance will be very useful for the government in its efforts to help improve the welfare of the community, especially the potential beneficiaries.

"So far, the Ministry of Social Affairs has helped the region with social problems. We hope that this collaboration will continue so that we can work together in handling it through sharing programs and activities," he said.

Attention is a social rehabilitation service that uses a family, community or residential based approach through support for meeting the needs of a decent living, family support, social assistance, accessibility support and others.

The program also includes social rehabilitation activities to restore and develop the abilities of persons with disabilities who experience social dysfunction so that they can carry out their social functions properly.

"Through this program, we hope and strive to fulfill the rights of persons with disabilities through several strategic activities, such as protection, empowerment, social security and rehabilitation," he said.

The head of Balai Melati as the technical implementing unit for distributing attention assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs, Romal Sinaga, explained that Balai Melati also carries out technical implementation as well as main tasks and functions in providing services and rehabilitation to all beneficiaries or the need for Social Welfare Services (PPKS).

"The Melati Center handles 26 PPKS, West Bangka is one of the work areas that we handle," he said.

He hopes that the distribution of this assistance will fulfill the rights and help improve the welfare of the beneficiaries, which consist of elderly residents inside and outside the hall, persons with disabilities and for orphans.

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