
SURABAYA - Dozens of activists from the Jember Indonesian National Student Movement (GMNI) called for the implementation of the Sexual Violence Law (UU TPKS) by holding a demonstration to commemorate Kartini Day at the Jember Regency DPRD Building, East Java, Thursday, April 21. It is necessary to realize an emancipatory social order because recently there are still acts of discrimination and gender injustice that have led to acts of sexual violence," said Head of GMNI Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Jember Vicky Arlensus on the sidelines of a demonstration at the Jember DPRD. The TPKS Law is expected to be able to become an answer to the legal vacuum that has occurred in handling cases of sexual violence, especially in fulfilling the rights of victims to obtain justice. immediately formulate and determine issue implementing regulations in the form of government regulations (PP) and presidential regulations (Perpres). He said that the government must immediately issue various implementing regulations so that the TPKS Law can be implemented effectively and the spirit of the purpose of the Law can be felt in reality by all Indonesian people. , considering the number of cases of sexual violence in each district/city has increased significantly every year, especially in Jember," he said.

According to him, the TPKS Law and Permendikbudristek Number 30 of 2021 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS) in Higher Education as the legal basis in preventing and handling cases of sexual violence are very important to be implemented immediately. the government to immediately formulate and issue a PP and Presidential Regulation as implementing regulations for the TPKS Law," he said. GMNI Jember invites all parties to oversee the implementation of the TPKS Law and the PPKS Permendikbudristek and jointly struggle to eliminate all forms of sexual violence. Jember DPRD in the room that expressed support for these aspirations. Head of Commission A DPRD Jember Tabroni said his party supports the aspirations and demands of students related to derivative products of the TPKS Law in the form of government regulations and presidential regulations. regional regulations (perda) which are derivative products of the TPKS Law," said the member of the PDI-P council.

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