
SAMARINDA - Before holding the demonstration on April 21, students from all over Samarinda held a People's Congress of East Kalimantan at the gates of Mulawarman University, Wednesday evening, April 20.

"Friends, we invite all of you to the agenda of consolidating ideas and the Political Stage against this oppressive power, many times state policies only benefit the oligarchs, while the lower middle class people are increasingly excluded from their living spaces, impoverished and do not get their democratic rights. plus expensive fuel, expensive taxes, more expensive basic needs, death of children in mining pits, landlessness, relocation of the state capital and so on," wrote the Instagram account @kongresrakyatkaltim quoted by VOI, Thursday, April 21.

The East Kalimantan People's Congress also demanded several things, including rejecting the three-term presidential term, refusing to transfer IKN, refusing to revise the PPP Law, refusing to increase fuel prices, refusing to increase the price of basic commodities, refusing to increase VAT 11%, and revoking the omnibus law on the job creation law.

In addition, the students also demanded an investigation into the deaths of 40 children in the mining pit, demanded the ratification of the customary law, implement Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution, and demanded the realization of true agrarian reform based on the 1960 UUPA.

Apart from voicing their demands, students also held cultural and theatrical arts events represented by each campus.

As is known, the students will hold another demonstration on April 21 after previously held on April 11.

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