
SUKOHARJO - A member of the Wonogiri Police Bripda PPS who was shot by a member of the Resmob of the Surakarta Police turned out to be the perpetrator of the crime of extortion.

"So at that time, the person concerned and his colleagues will be arrested," said the Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Pol. Iqbal Alqudusy in Semarang, Thursday, April 21.

He explained that the incident began with reports of alleged extortion victims to the Surakarta Police.

The victim of this extortion, he said, admitted that he had been slandered by the Bripda PPS police along with several of his colleagues.

After conducting a series of investigations, he continued, members of the Resmob of the Surakarta Police carried out an arrest effort in the Makamhaji area, Sukoharjo Regency.

PPS itself acted with four colleagues who are civilians, each SNY (22) a resident of Semarang Regency, ES (36) a resident of Pati Regency, and RB (43) and TWA (39) a resident of Surakarta City.

This gang is suspected of blackmailing the victim of WP, a resident of Laweyan, Surakarta City, into giving some money with the threat of being reported to the police for allegedly having an affair at a hotel.

Attempts to arrest the gang, according to Iqbal, have been carried out according to procedures. "Members of the Resmob of the Surakarta Police have twice given warning shots, but they were ignored," he said.

In fact, he said, the perpetrators who used a car were desperate to hit an officer's car who was about to make an arrest. "Officers then took measured action by directing shots at the car," he said.

The shot, he said, was known to injure Bripda PPS, who fled with his gang.

Bripda PPS was then taken to Al Hidayah Hospital Boyolali for treatment. "The hospital turned out to report about the shooting victim to the Boyolali Police, which eventually revealed that the person concerned was a member of the National Police," he said.

He said all members of the extortion gang had been arrested.

The perpetrators themselves will be charged with Article 368 regarding extortion or Article 369 concerning threats or Article 335 of the Criminal Code regarding unpleasant acts.

The Bripda SSP itself, continued Iqbal, is a problematic police officer at the Wonogiri Police Station. "The person concerned has undergone several code of ethics trials for various violations," he said.

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