
JAKARTA - Hundreds of personnel from the Police Mobile Brigade Unit are on guard around the DPR/MPR/DPD RI Building ahead of the student demonstration, Thursday, April 21 afternoon.

At 10.20 WIB, several "water canon" cars were parked right in the front yard of the Indonesian Parliament Building. Several mass dispersal cars have also been parked in several locations.

In addition, the front of the people's representative building has also been installed with a barrier (barrier) of white and black clouds which is estimated to be two meters high.

The entrances on each side of the pedestrian bridge (JPO) in front of the Parliament Building have also been closed with iron wires, as quoted from Antara.

Until now, no mass group was seen in front of the Parliament Building. Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto has also not been closed by the Traffic Police.

The Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya has prepared traffic flow engineering related to the planned demonstration by the University of Indonesia Student Executive Board (BEM UI) with the Indonesian Student Alliance (AMI) at three points in Jakarta on Thursday.

"We might do some traffic engineering this morning because we will install a water barrier and a security barrier, so it has to be stretched and closed," said Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Sambodo Purnomo Yogo when confirmed, Wednesday (20/20). /4).

Sambodo revealed, three points will be carried out traffic engineering, namely around the DPR/MPR/DPD RI Building, the Horse Statue area and the Harmoni area.

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