
TANGERANG - As many as four couples who are suspected of not being husband and wife have been secured by the Tangerang City Police. They were found having fun together at the Melati Hotel, Batu Ceper, Tangerang City, even though it was in the middle of the month of Ramadan.

The acting head of the Tangerang City Satpol PP, Deni Koswara, said they were arrested because they were deemed to have violated Perda (Perda) No. 8/2005 concerning the Prohibition of Prostitution in the Tangerang City area.

He added that the raids were carried out on Wednesday, April 20, the night of targeting application-based places in the Tangerang city area.

"Four couples who are not husband and wife were found in the room where the inn is located," said Deni when confirmed, Thursday, April 21.

"We secure and record according to their respective identities," he continued.

Deni said the four pairs were given more in-depth guidance regarding the regulation of Regional Regulation No. 8/2005. The goal is not to repeat the action again.

Furthermore, the 4 couples were immediately sent home. However, the identity card is withheld and the violator is issued a statement which can only be retrieved after being stamped by the RT/RW according to the address in question.

"We provide an understanding so that they do not repeat it again," concluded Deni.

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