
JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police revealed that Indra Kenz and his younger brother, Nathania Kesuma, had crypto assets in the form of cryptocurrencies. The nominal is IDR 35 billion.

The disclosure of the assets was based on the results of Nathania Kesuma's investigation as a suspect on Wednesday, April 20. The results of the examination also decided the detention of Indra Kenz's younger brother.

"There are around IDR 35 billion in crypto assets," said Director of Special Economic Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan when confirmed, Thursday, April 21.

The crypto asset was found in the Indodax platform account. Where, the account was created by Nathania on the orders of Indra Kenz.

"Suspect Indra Kesuma created a crypto account at Indodax with the suspect Nathania Kesuma," said Whisnu.

Then, Nathania also received a cash flow of Rp9.4 billion. He is also known to have signed documents for the house that Indra Kenz bought in Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra.

Nathania Kesuma is officially detained. The detention was carried out after the investigation as a suspect in the Binomo platform illegal investment case was completed.

"Yes, it has been arrested," said Whisnu.

With this detention, it means that Nathania is following Indra Kenz, Vanessa Khong, and Rudiyanto Pei who have also been detained at the Bareskrim remand for a few days ago.

Nathania was detained for the next 20 days or until May 10.

"Detention in the Bareskrim remand for the next 20 days," said Whisnu.

In this case, Nathania was charged with violating Article 5 and or Article 10 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

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