
MAKASSAR - A team from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) of the South Sulawesi Regional Office, assisted by TNI and Polri personnel, carried out a sudden inspection (sidak) at the Makassar Class I Detention Center (Rutan), and found a number of prohibited items.

"From today's inspection, it was found that there were no serious items (drugs, cellphones, weapons) but there were prohibited items used in the detention center, such as some metal, (iron spoons and rulers) cables, scissors, game cards, and others," said the Head of the Correctional Division, Kemenkumham South Sulawesi, Suprapto, after an inspection at the local detention center, Wednesday 20 April night.

He emphasized that the items found during the search in five blocks at the Makassar detention center were prohibited from being used because they were dangerous and could cause security problems for the inmates because they were used incorrectly.

These items, he said, must be secured, because they could injure the inmates when friction occurs. Although no serious items were found, his party had to maintain security in the detention house.

The inspections were also simultaneously carried out in all regions in Indonesia, from Tuesday, April 19 to Thursday, April 21, 2022. For South Sulawesi in all prisons and detention centers.

In addition, his party praised the cleanliness of the Makassar Rutan which is always well maintained, so that it does not look scary and is more comfortable and human so that the inmates do not become stressed.

"We also appreciate and thank the TNI and Polri for their assistance in participating in this inspection. Inspections like this are routinely carried out. In addition, this inspection is part of the 53-year series of Correctional Service Day," he said, quoted by Antara.

Meanwhile, Head of Makassar Class I Rutan, Moch Muhidin on that occasion added that this inspection was assisted by TNI and Polri personnel, to make it more conducive. There were five blocks that were investigated this time and items that were prohibited from being used were found.

"Of course we need the cooperation of all parties during this inspection. Although we did not find any serious items, we will secure the items that are prohibited from being used in order to create security and comfort for the inmates," he added.

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