
JAKARTA - Ahead of the 2022 Eid homecoming, car rental entrepreneurs are starting to flood with tenants who want to go back to their hometowns. After the government allowed to go home for Eid in 2022. Since April 1, there have been a hundred cars that have been booked for going home. One of the car rentals in the Setu sub-district, Cipayung sub-district, East Jakarta, even experienced a rental spike of up to 200 percent compared to the 2019 homecoming. Even though there was a hike in rental prices of around 20 percent of the normal rate, the enthusiasm of residents to rent a car remains high because it has been two years since the residents have been renting a car. not going home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Car rental entrepreneurs themselves generally offer five to 10 day rental packages to residents with prices for family cars ranging from Rp. 650 thousand to Rp. 850 thousand. Residents who want to rent a car are required to bring SIM A, ID NPWP and must pass the house verification carried out by the rental party to prevent the car from being misused. Watch the video below.

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