
SURAKARTA - Food samples were tested at Legi Market, Solo, Central Java. This step is to ensure the commodity does not contain hazardous materials.

The sample test was carried out by the Regional Food Safety Network (JKPD) Surakarta City Team. The samples tested included shallots, chilies, melons, scallions, and tomatoes.

From the results of a quick test, he said, there are a number of vegetables that contain pesticides. However, the content is not too much.

"It needs to be followed up with laboratory tests. If it is still within the safe threshold, it can still be consumed, but if it is above the threshold it cannot be consumed," said Head of the Food Security and Agriculture Office of Surakarta Nugroho Isbandijarso at Legi Solo Market, Wednesday 20 April.

In addition to fresh commodities, samples of several other types of food tested included red crackers, cleret crackers, boxed tofu, and kepel tofu. From the quick test results, it is known that red crackers and cleret crackers were found to contain rhodamine B, while boxed tofu and kepel tofu were negative for formalin.

Meanwhile, during the supervision, several processed food products were also found that were not equipped with an expiration date.

"There is even food that has expired that is still being sold. We will immediately withdraw it. We will convey the results directly to the traders after we take the samples," he said.

On the same occasion, the staff of the Drug and Food Supervision Workshop (Loka POM) Surakarta City Diah Hermawati ensured that the content of rhodhamin B contained in red crackers and cleret crackers should not be used in food. he said.

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