
JAKARTA - Regional Research and Innovation Agency (BRIDA) was formed in all regions of Indonesia. The aim is to encourage science-based policy making and research. This includes strengthening the research and innovation system ecosystem in the region.

This was conveyed by the Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Laksana Tri Handoko at the launch of BRIDA in Jakarta, Wednesday 20 April.

Tri said BRIDA is one of the mandates of Law Number 11 of 2019 concerning the National Science and Technology System and Presidential Decree Number 78 of 2021 concerning BRIN.

"The mandate here is to ensure the strengthening of what we call evidence or science based policy at all levels of government as well as strengthening the research and innovation ecosystem throughout the country," said Handoko, quoted from Antara.

Tri explained that BRIDA is a unit under the regional government whose formation and program are coordinated with BRIN.

The strengthening of science-based policies, continued Tri, was carried out because research and innovation were the key to preventing Indonesia from being trapped in the middle income trap.

Prevention can be done by providing added value from the use of natural resources by the community, which can be done when they have strong research and innovation capabilities.

He said that BRIDA is an organ under the local government and is the main partner of BRIN

"For this reason, BRIDA in various regions is expected to act as a collaboration hub and enabler, so it is a lever for all parties not only at the center but also in the regions to strengthen research and take advantage of research innovations," he said.

Currently, several regions have or are in the process of establishing BRIDA, including West Nusa Tenggara, Bali, and Central Java. By the end of 2022, at least 50 BRIDAs are targeted to be formed throughout Indonesia.

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