
SUMENEP - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) bought Blangkon (Javanese male headgear) on the sidelines of his working visit to Sumenep Regency, East Java Province. Following Jokowi, Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto is also interested in buying it.

Jokowi and Prabowo are interested in the Blangkon on display at the local Madurese craft booth in the waiting room at Trunojoyo Airport, Sumenep Regency, Wednesday 20 April.

Jokowi first tried the brown Blangkon. Beside him stood Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto, Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi, SOE Minister Erick Thohir, and East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa.

The father of the mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, fitted the Blangkon around his head. Turned around until finally settled with the size of the blank worn.

"Immediately used", said Jokowi, quoted from the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube account, Wednesday, April 20.

It was Prabowo's turn to try the blank to fit the size of his head. "Just right, not too small?" Prabowo asked the Minister of Transportation who was right beside him.

"Do you feel comfortable?" replied the Minister of Transportation.

"What size [usual headgear] is it?" asked the Minister of SOEs.

"9.5. But it's ok!" said Prabowo while holding the blank he was wearing.

Investigate a calibration, the Udeng Blangkon they bought was a typical Blangkon of the ancient Madurese kings.

Jokowi and Prabowo finally used the same colored blanks that the two of them had just bought at the inauguration ceremony of Trunojoyo Airport in Sumenep Regency.

In his remarks at the opening of Trunojoyo Airport, Jokowi said the airport was ready to be used to serve the transportation needs of the people on Madura Island and other islands around Madura.

"I ask that this airport be used and maintained as well as possible, used to increase regional competitiveness, move the community's economy to make people more prosperous", said Jokowi in his remarks.

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