
JAYAPURA - The Jayapura City Police Narcotics Investigation Unit arrested five Papua New Guineans (PNG) who were carrying 21,994.11 grams or 21.9 kg of marijuana around Enggros, Jayapura District, Jayapura City, Papua.

The arrests of the five PNG residents were carried out on Tuesday, April 12 at around 00.30 WIT, after a community report reported that a longboat (motorboat) with PNG residents crossed the Ciberi coast to Kampung Enggros. who are PNG nationals," said Jayapura City Police Chief Kombes Gustav Urbinas in a press statement in Jayapura, reported by Antara, Tuesday, April 19. ), WMJ (21), BAC (24), GA (29), and SA (21). Meanwhile, three of his colleagues, namely JT (29), JM (21), and JR (24) are not owners but do not have immigration documents. So it was handed over to Jayapura Immigration for further processing, said Urbinas. Kombes Urbinas who was accompanied by Deputy Head of Jayapura City Police AKBP Suprapto, Head of Drugs Unit Iptu Alamsyah and Head of Public Relations Ipda Sarah Kafiar said said that of the five people, it was recorded that the most SA had marijuana, namely 12,440,36 grams and MW as much as 6,714.37 grams. Then GA was 2,043.45 grams of marijuana, BS was 586.34 grams and BAC was 209.59 grams. The five PNG citizens were charged with Article 111 paragraph (2) of RI Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics carries a minimum prison term of four years and a maximum of 20 years or life and a fine of IDR 800,000,000, said Jayapura Police Chief, Kombes Pol. Gustav Urbinas.

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