
CILACAP - Cilacap Police have named one suspect in a theft case accompanied by violence that caused a middle-aged woman to die as a result of being abused.

The victim with the initials D (69) was recorded as a resident of Babakan Village, Karang Pucung District, Cilacap. D became a victim of theft as well as a victim of abuse carried out by suspect O (initials) at the victim's house in Babakan Hamlet, Karang Pucung, Cilacap Regency, on March 9, at around 19.30 WIB.

said the event occurred on Wednesday, date. In a house. Tuesday 19 April 2022 at the Cilacap Police SAR Field.

"The victim was found lifeless with bruises on his neck, under his right ear and a protruding tongue, bitten and bleeding. After checking, it turned out that the jewelry and one unit of the Oppo A3s brand cellphone were missing. Also, the savings containing 5 million in the victim's room was gone. Then after going through a family discussion, it was agreed that the victim's family would report the incident to the Cilacap Police," said Eko, in a written statement, Tuesday, April 19.

Eko also explained that after his party conducted a series of investigations and examined witnesses at the crime scene, one of the witnesses saw someone coming out of the victim's house with the characteristics of a short, fat man wearing a black jacket, blue jeans and riding a black tiger motorcycle. .

Eko said that the perpetrator was known to be a recidivist in Karangpucung with the initials M alias O. The police finally caught him. From there, it was known that M alias O hit the victim's neck from behind using an elbow. Then strangled the victim with both hands to death.

When the victim was helpless, the perpetrator freely took two gold bracelets, a gold necklace and money in a piggy bank worth approximately 5 million, the victim's blue Oppo A3s cellphone.

"Securing evidence including 2 units of motorcycles, one unit of Oppo A3s cellphone, and goods purchased from the proceeds of crime in the form of 2 printer units, 1 CPU unit, 1 computer monitor unit, 1 keyboard unit, 1 jeans, 1 black jacket, and 1 black t-shirt." said Eko.

For his actions, the suspect was charged with Article 339 of the Criminal Code and 365 of the Criminal Code

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