
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, emphasized that Indonesia is not a nation that is easily divided or polarized because of temporary political differences. According to him, the Indonesian people are guided by the Koran to bring the progress of civilization.

Airlangga considered the revelation of the Koran to be a momentum for mankind to know which is (haq) and (bathil).

"Which one is good, which one is bad, which one we need to practice, and which one we have to leave behind. The Qur'an is a moral guide that inspires us in the life we go through," said Airlangga during the commemoration of the Nuzulul Quran at the Ainul Hikmah Mosque, the Party DPP Office. Golkar, Jakarta, Monday 18 April.

The chairman of Golkar added, to bring about this civilization, the Koran explained that the main foundation was high literacy. According to Airlangga, Indonesia is considered to have these things to get to an advanced civilization.

"Indonesia is not a nation that is easily divided because it is influenced by fake news or (hoaxes), and is not a nation that is polarized because of momentary political differences that can divide the unity of our nation and state," said Airlangga.

He also conveyed the wisdom of the very great Nuzulul Qur'an incident. Namely, ordered every Muslim to always learn. Such is the wisdom that can be drawn from the five verses of Surah Al 'Alaq which were first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

The Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs emphasized that, referring to the letter, Islam encourages its people to master science and technology that brings benefits.

"We have to show the world that Islam in Indonesia, Islam that is tolerant, moderate, lives in harmony with the diversity of the nation," said Airlangga.

Airlangga asked all party cadres bearing the banyan tree symbol who are Muslims to firmly make the Koran a way of life.

Golkar cadres were also asked to show that Islam is a religion that gives mercy and peace to all human beings, a religion that is rahmatan lil'alamin.

The chairman of the Covid-19 Handling Committee and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN) said that Ramadan is the month most awaited by Muslims. The Golkar Party is also trying to fulfill all its obligations during this holy month.

Airlangga said Golkar was obliged to pay zakat, infaq, and sodaqoh and fill in activities to give more.

"And this commemoration of Nuzulul Quran is the right momentum for the Golkar Party to increase social piety," he said.

Airlangga said that the community had been allowed to go home this Eid. However, Airlangga advised the entire community to maintain health protocols to protect themselves and all family members in their hometowns. Golkar sends warm greetings to all families in their hometowns for people who are going home this year.

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