
JAKARTA - The National Police Korlantas will not fine motorists who violate the odd-even and one-way scheme on toll roads when going home and back for Eid 2022. The only action taken is asking motorists to leave the toll road to the arterial road.

"Yes, there is no fine," said the Director of Law Enforcement of the Korlantas Polri Brigadier General Aan Suhanan to VOI, Monday, April 18.

In implementing this scheme, Korlantas uses E-TLE technology to monitor motorists. In this way, comprehensive supervision can be carried out.

"As for monitoring and monitoring only," said Aan.

The Korlantas Polri and the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) previously predicted the homecoming flow from April 28 to May 1. Meanwhile, the return on May 6.

Two traffic flow schemes will be implemented to reduce congestion, namely, odd-even and one-way.

Regarding the details of its implementation, the following is information on traffic engineering for Lebaran 2022 homecoming:

One way route on the Lebaran 2022 homecoming route

1. Thursday, April 28 at 17.00 WIB-24.00 WIB starting from KM 47 (Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road) to KM 414 (Kalikangkung Toll Gate).

2. Friday April 29 at 07.00 WIB - 24.00 WIB starting from KM 47 (Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road) to KM 414 (Kalikangkung Toll Gate).

3. Saturday 30 April at 07.00 WIB-24.00 WIB starting from KM 47 (Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road) to KM 414 (Kalikangkung Toll Gate).

4. Sunday May 1 at 07.00 WIB-12 WIB starting from KM 47 (Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road) to KM 414 (Kalikangkung Toll Gate).

Eid 2022 one way backflow diversion route

1. Friday, May 6 at 14.00 WIB-24.00 WIB starting from KM 414 (Kalikangkung Toll Gate) to KM 47 (Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road).

2. Saturday 7 May at 07.00 WIB-24.00 WIB starting from KM 414 (Kalikangkung Toll Gate) to KM 3 + 500 (Halim Toll Gate)

3. Sunday 8 May starting at 07.00 WIB until Monday 9 May at 03.00 WIB from KM 414 (Kalikangkung Toll Gate) to KM 3 + 500 (Halim Toll Gate).

4. The National Police can also implement a one-way system starting from KM 442 (Bawen Toll Gate) taking into account the traffic volume conditions that occur in the field.

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