
MALUT - North Maluku Police (Malut) secured 22 students who held a demonstration in front of the Ternate Mayor's Office. The mass of students demanded a rejection of the increase in the price of fuel oil (BBM) and the presidential term for three terms.

"There were 22 students who were arrested, considering the call to disperse because it was already 18.00 WIT which was ignored," said Ternate Police Chief AKBP Andik Purnomo Sigit, in Ternate, quoted from Antara, Monday 18 April.

According to him, the police were forced to disperse the students and secure dozens of students, because they were still holding out and fighting against officers in the field.

The police chief asked that when students take to the streets, they must learn the rules and the police officers to carry out escorts.

The action which took place in chaos, with hundreds of students and activists in the City of Ternate refusing to increase the price of fuel, took place at the Ternate Mayor's Office and Ternate Unkhair Campus I.

The action took place in front of Campus I, Khairun University, Ternate. The mob also blocked the main road access to Sultan Baabullah Airport.

Demonstrators began crowding the campus in front of the campus since 13.00 WIT, then burned used tires, making the left lane of the lane completely closed as a form of protest against the government's increase in fuel prices and the plan to extend the presidential term for three terms.

The coordinator of the mass demonstration, M Rivai, said in an oration that this action rejected the increase in the price of fuel and basic necessities which were the demands of the masses, and demanded that the heads of provinces and cities be brought in for a meeting.

In this action, the police deployed to secure the masses as many as 550 personnel at a number of vital object points in Ternate City.

In addition to the deployment of security personnel, the Ternate Police also installed barbed wire at the office entrance to anticipate potential conflicts between officers and participants in the action.

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