
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection emphasized that the criminal case of raping a 17-year-old girl in Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java, must be thoroughly investigated and the perpetrators severely punished. It is hard on the perpetrators so that there is a deterrent effect, both for the perpetrators and for other people," said Deputy for Special Protection for Children KPPPA Nahar in a press release in Jakarta, Monday, April 18. In this case, it is known that there were five perpetrators of rape. sexual abuse of children which must be handled with severe punishment. The victim is currently 8 months pregnant. This rape case is even more tragic because the perpetrator is a middle-aged man, his twins and two friends. This case was not immediately revealed because the victim did not dare to report even though the incident occurred in June 2021. The police have now detained the five perpetrators at the Tasikmalaya Police.

KPPPA coordinates with UPTD PPA Tasikmalaya which has carried out victim outreach, assisted victims to report to the police, assisted visum et repertum, assisted psychologically for victims and their families and facilitated safe houses for victims and their families. service institutions to immediately carry out assessments and assistance for the recovery of victims and prevent the recurrence of such cases. KPPPA also hopes that there will be no stigma against victims and even the community must support during the recovery process.

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