
SUKABUMI - The Traffic Police Unit of the Sukabumi Police carried out a mapping of areas prone to traffic jams on the homecoming and tourist routes in Sukabumi Regency, West Java during the homecoming and holiday seasons as well as Eid al-Fitr 1443 H. "The number of homecomers entering the Sukabumi Regency area, especially from Jakarta and Bogor, is increasing. Therefore, we have taken various anticipations from the start on the occurrence of long traffic jams or the accumulation of vehicles on the Sukabumi homecoming route," said Sukabumi Police Traffic Head AKP Bagus Yudo Setyawan in Sukabumi. , Monday 18 April. From the results of the mapping, the locations prone to traffic jams on the Sukabumi or arterial homecoming route are in the Cicurug District area, to be precise at Cicurug Market and Cidahu Intersection. Then in Parungkuda District, the traffic-prone points are at the Station and Parungkuda Market Intersections and The last one is in Cibadak District, which is located around the Ci Terminal Market Badak, Labora, Simpang Ratu. According to Bagus, this area is the main route for Lebaran homecoming because it is a connecting route between Sukabumi-Bogor and Sukabumi-DKI Jakarta. motorbikes, private cars, and public transportation. "The prediction of an increase in the volume of homecoming vehicles using the Sukabumi homecoming route is one of them because the government allows people to go home for Eid, after the last two years banning it as an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19, so that the Eid moment in 2022 becomes a moment for In addition, during the homecoming season, this arterial route will not only be used by travelers from Jabodetabek to Sukabumi, but also for other regional destinations such as Cianjur, Bandung and others. if the direction is towards the peak of the current traffic jam.

Then, for areas prone to traffic jams on the tourist route, namely at several points in tourist attractions ranging from Palabuhanratu to Cisolok such as Bagbagan Intersection, Damkar Intersection, Batu Sapi Intersection, Jangilus Intersection. Citepus Beach and finally at Karanghawu Beach, Cisolok District. This location is always crowded with tourist vehicles for holidays and holidays with the celebration of Eid al-Fitr. Bagus said that in an effort to anticipate traffic jams both on the homecoming and tourist routes, his party has prepared its personnel to carry out security, arrangements and others. In anticipation of this, his party also coordinate with related agencies such as elements from the TNI, the Transportation Service, the Civil Service Police and the Sukabumi Regency Tourism Office regarding the readiness to secure the flow of going back and forth and tourism. traffic flow engineering infrastructure such as water barriers, tolo-tolo, appeal banners and portable signs. "We have also prepared traffic service posts, integrated posts, security posts in the framework of the 2022 Ketupat Lodaya Operation in the Sukabumi Police jurisdiction. to regulate and secure the current Homecomers can also take advantage of traffic conditions who are looking for various information, ranging from traffic conditions, fuel refueling places, rest locations or places of worship to alternative route locations," he said.

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