
TANGERANG - Three of the dozens of teenage boys in Pondok Aren have been named suspects in the case of vandalizing a Toyota Yaris car. The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit at Pondok Aren, Iptu Leo Licyano, said the three teenagers had the initials S (19), NA (16) and MR (16).

Leo added that the vandalism incident occurred on Jalan Boulevard Bintaro, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang, Monday, April 18, before dawn at around 02.30 WIB.

"The incident was carried out by three people, one with the initials S (19), NA, aged 16 and MR, aged 16," Leo told reporters at the Pondok Aren Sector Police, Monday, April 18.

Leo Back explained, the incident began when there was a traffic accident involving a group of motorcyclists with a Yaris car numbered B 1890 TGZ. The black Yaris car nudged one of the group's motorbikes. Because they were upset, Leo continued, the perpetrators finally damaged the car.

“Perpetrator S threw stones at the car window. NA and MR hit the glass (with wood) twice," he explained.

After damaging the victim's car, dozens of motorbikes left the scene. The police who received the report immediately chased the perpetrator and arrested him.

"We did an investigation, there we found the identity of the owner of the motorbike, so we found the culprit five hours after the incident," said Leo.

Regarding the occupants in the car, Leo explained that the driver and passengers were safe. He made sure that they did not get abused by the perpetrators.

"At that time there were 2 passengers and they were in good condition, there was no abuse against the car driver," he said.

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