
JAKARTA - Southeast Sulawesi Province has the full trust of being the host of the 53rd National Tilawatil Quran Week (PTQN) RRI in 2023.

Daily Executor Regional Secretary for the Province of Southeast Sulawesi, Asrun Lio PhD, said the appointment was an indicator that Bumi Anoa was considered capable of carrying out national activities, especially by referring to national moments that had previously been successfully carried out in the Province of Southeast Sulawesi.

"God willing, Southeast Sulawesi Province is ready to host the 53rd RRI PTQ in 2023. This readiness has also been expressed by the Governor, H Ali Mazi SH through an official letter to the President Director of LPP RI in Jakarta to respond immediately to the appointment," said Asrun who is also the Head of the Southeast Sulawesi Education and Culture Office, quoted by Antara, Sunday, April 17.

Based on the Decree of the Board of Directors of LPP RRI in accordance with the Letter of the President Director of LPP RI Number: 605/DU/04/2022 April 2022, regarding the appointment of the 53rd PTQ in 2023, the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government stated its readiness to host and was willing to assist and facilitate LPP RRI Kendari as the executor in area.

"It is known that PTQ RRI is the oldest national Tilawatil Quran competition activity from Musabaqoh Tilawatil Quran (MTQ-ed). For that, we should support together and continue to be a routine agenda that continues to roll to be carried out because apart from being a symbol of Islam it is also a symbol of Islam. a tool to unify the nation, considering that all regions in Indonesia meet in this event," said this doctoral graduate of The Australian National University (ANU) Canberra.

The former Head of the Secretariat of the UHO Chancellor revealed that in the PTQ activity that was held at Bumi Gayo, Central Aceh, there were more than 3000 participants present. This number seems to continue to increase, not to mention the other invited guests so that it is certain to have more or less positive impacts for the region, especially in introducing the Southeast Sulawesi Province.

"This national moment is one of the joint efforts in implementing the values of Islamic teachings by spreading kindness to others. More than 3000 participants from the Tilawah, Tausyiah, and Tahfiz Quran branches, on average, are followed by young people so this is very effective to improve the interest of young Muslims who are Muslim in memorizing and understanding the contents of the holy book Al-Quran itself," said the former head of the UHO Center for European Studies.

The Acting Secretary of the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government added, in the implementation of PTQ in Southeast Sulawesi, there will also be exhibitions including other activities that involve the community and related parties so that together they can take a role and take part in promoting the Southeast Sulawesi Province, which aims to encourage economic growth, including MSMEs.

In the appointment as the host, the Governor of Southeast Sulawesi, H Ali Mazi SH also gave a speech delivered by the Daily Executor Regional Secretary of the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government, Drs Asrun Lio MHum PhD, and gave a souvenir in the form of a book entitled "Sultra in Ali Mazi's Mind" to the Regent of Central Aceh, Drs Shabela Abubakar.

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