
TEMANGGUNG - Hundreds of Muslims carried out recitation of the Koran in the "Tadarus on the road" activity at Taman Pancasila Temanggung, Central Java, Sunday, April 17, welcoming the commemoration of the Nuzulul Quran organized by the Fi Ahsani Taqwim Education Foundation. Subroto in Temanggung conveyed that the Al Quran recitation in Pancasila Park is expected to be able to embrace all elements of Muslims, including Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama, and MTA. , but departing from their love of the Koran, they sat for almost two hours since yesterday at 06.00 WIB," he said, quoted by Antara. that Islam is beautiful, Islam is peaceful." Islam is rahmatan lil alamin, no there is no Islam that is said to be extreme, radical, hard-line. If that happens, it means that it is not Islam that is exemplified by the Prophet, even though if Muslims want to imitate who else if not the Messenger of Allah," he said. the party in charge of St. Peter's St. Paul's Church, which is around the location of the tadarus. "We want to make sure that this activity is going well. God willing, together we can, by embracing everything it will be easy to overcome the problem," he said.

Arif said this activity was held in an open space, apart from the current COVID-19 pandemic, it is also to inspire Muslims to get used to reading the Quran anywhere and anytime. "There is no day without recitations. Believing in the blessings of the Koran. peaceful, peaceful and happy which then becomes a magnet that attracts all goodness including health and sustenance, not only being beautiful, but also full of blessings," he said. A number of communities were present, including the anti-usury community, the Nasida Al Quran reader community, the Yaasiin tahlil congregation from Jampiroso, Need, Jampirejo, and Mudal Villages.

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