
JAKARTA - The Panel of Judges at the Industrial Relations Court (PHI) has decided on a dispute between PT Transjakarta and its employees. One of them is the dispute over overtime pay.

In the case of overtime pay with decision number 456/Pdt.Sus-PHI/2021/PNJkt.Pst, the Panel of Judges basically decided to reject PT Transjakarta's lawsuit in its entirety and ordered PT Transjakarta to pay all workers' overtime wages.

Therefore, LBH Jakarta attorney Jenny Sirait urged Transjakarta to comply with the court's decision by paying employees overtime wages that had not been paid so far.

"We urge PT Transjakarta to comply and immediately implement the decision in case number 456/Pdt.Sus-PHI/2021/PNJkt.Pst to pay all overtime wages that have not been paid so far," Jenny said in a statement, Friday, April 15.

Jenny views this decision as commendable. This is because the panel of judges has considered all the evidence presented before the trial, including considering the fulfillment of workers' overtime wages as a fulfillment of human rights.

Jenny also urged PT Transjakarta to implement decent working hours for workers to ensure the fulfillment of their right to decent work. Then, he asked Transjakarta employees to fight for their rights again by bringing the results of this decision to Transjakarta management.

"Encouraging all PT Transjakarta workers, even all workers who experience similar problems related to decent working hours and overtime wages, to make the victory in fulfilling the rights of PT Transjakarta workers' overtime pay as an entry point for a common struggle to obtain their rights," he said.

Furthermore, the PHI Panel of Judges also decided on the dispute over the termination of employment (PHK) of Transjakarta employees. In the decision number 450/Pdt.Sus-PHI/2021/PNJkt.Pst the panel of judges stated that the layoffs carried out by PT Transjakarta were illegal layoffs because the reasons and the process of layoffs were not in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

"Based on this, the reasons for layoffs cannot be validated by law. However, the Panel of Judges is of the opinion that the working relationship between PT Transjakarta and workers is no longer harmonious, so in this decision the Panel of Judges decided to declare the working relationship between PT Transjakarta and workers break up since the verdict was read out," he added.

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