BNPT Values Program To Prevent Prisoners Radicalism Runs Smoothly Due To Pentahelix, What Is Pentahelix?
Poso terrorism prisoner Muhammad Basri bin Barjo alias Bagong swore allegiance to the NKRI at Nusakambangan Prison in October 2021. (Between)


JAKARTA - The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) assesses that the deradicalization program or prevention of radicalism for terrorism convicts is running smoothly due to the pentahelix program.

Director of Deradicalization BNPT Prof Irfan Idris said pentahelix is a multi-stakeholder collaboration involving various elements, namely the government, academics, media business actors and the community.

"We appreciate all the guidance and efforts as well as the efforts made by the prison in making the deradicalization program a success," said Irfan Idris in a written statement received in Jakarta, Thursday, April 14.

In carrying out the deradicalization program, said Irfan Idris, BNPT carries the pentahelix concept. Mainly pentahelix with the correctional institution (prison). "One of the pentahelix collaborations is between the BNPT and the prison," he added, quoted from Antara.

In accordance with Law Number 5 of 2018 BNPT has the responsibility to carry out the deradicalization program. The goal is to eliminate or reduce and reverse the radical understanding of terrorism that a person has experienced.

According to him, in carrying out the deradicalization program, there are several stages, one of which is social reintegration. Furthermore, there are four formulas for social reintegration, namely Significance, Trust, Acceptance and Exemplary (KTPK). "At this stage of social reintegration, prisons have an important war," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Class IIA Prison Permisan Nusakambangan Mardisa Santoso said the agency continues to innovate in fostering terrorism convicts.

The guidance is carried out so that the convicts of criminal acts of terrorism have economic expertise. So, they can be productive when they return to society and no longer make the same mistakes. "The existing coaching at Permisan Prison includes hydroponics and batik," he said.

Not only that, Permisan Prison is also looking for coaching innovations related to the potential of the coastal areas around the prison. One example is lobster breeding or fishing.

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