
JAKARTA - Three helmet thieves were caught by residents while carrying out the theft on Jalan Kelapa Tinggi, RT 007/009, Matraman District, East Jakarta. For fear of being caught by the masses, the three of them ran away leaving their motorbike behind.

Head of RT 007 Dedy Susanto said the theft occurred on Wednesday, at around 02.30 WIB. The perpetrator was caught by a resident who was doing siskamling.

"There were three people (riding) a motorbike passing by. Then two people got off, they took one helmet," he told reporters, Thursday, April 14.

Not long after, the helmet theft was discovered by residents. The perpetrators tried to escape.

"From above (the perpetrators) were shouted at by thieves, they ran away. They were trapped because there was a portal, they ran away, the motorbikes were left behind," he said.

Confirmed separately, Matraman Police Chief Kompol Tedjo Asmoro said that the residents had thrown chairs at the perpetrators.

"They were shouted at and thrown at the bench, they immediately ran away. It turned out that the motorbike was left behind because it was dark, they immediately ran away," said the police chief.

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