
CENTRAL LOMBOK - The victim who killed his two thugs Murtede alias Amaq Sinta received a suspension of detention from the Central Lombok Police investigators. Now the 34-year-old man can reunite with his family in Matek Maling Hamlet, Change Village, East Praya District, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

"Thank God, I feel very happy to be free and reunited with my family," he said when met at his home in East Praya, Thursday, April 14.

He is a victim of a robbery who was detained by the police and named a suspect, for killing two robbers and injuring two others. He was ambushed by four people while riding his motorbike on the village of Change road to deliver food for his mother, in East Lombok, on Sunday evening 10 April.

Being ambushed by four people, he did not run away but defended himself and fought with them.

"I did that because I was forced to. Blocked and attacked with sharp weapons, like it or not, we have to fight. So I shouldn't be imprisoned, if I die who will be responsible," he said.

He and his wife, Mariana (32), and his family work as farmers every day to make ends meet. In addition, he is also just an ordinary citizen, because he never went to school. "I work as a farmer," he said.

He recounted the incident, when he was going to East Lombok to deliver food for his mother, when he arrived at the TKP he was intercepted and attacked by the perpetrators using sharp weapons. Then he fought the perpetrators with a small knife he was carrying while shouting for help, but no one came.

In that incident two perpetrators died after being covered in blood. Meanwhile, the other two perpetrators fled after two of their friends fell on the spot. "After that I went to the family home to calm down," he said.

As a result of the incident, Sinta, who has two children, felt sick to her body from being hit by sharp weapons from the perpetrators. "I do not have intelligence and do not have immune knowledge. But this is indeed I am protected by God," he said.

After being arrested and named a suspect by the Central Lombok Police, he and his family were shaken and could not sleep, thinking about the case that happened to him. However, he felt rather happy after receiving the suspension of detention that was given because there was support from the community, especially Central Lombok.

"I hope that I can be released purely and do not end up in court. So that I can return to work as usual. I thank all the people who have supported me," he said.

The village head ofganti, H Acih, said they also expressed their gratitude and appreciation to all the people who have supported their residents. So he also hopes for the authorities so that this case can be resolved immediately and Sinta can be released. "I hope to be released," he said.

Previously, the ranks of the Satreskrim Polres Lombok Tengah, named the victim of the robbery Murtede alias Amaq Sinta as a suspect in the alleged case of two robbers who died covered in blood on the Jalanganti village highway, East Praya District, Sunday morning 10 April.

"The investigation into this case has been upgraded to fingerprints, after examining witnesses," said Deputy Chief of the Central Lombok Police, Police Commissioner Ketut Tamiana, at a press conference at the Central Lombok Police Courtyard, Tuesday.

In addition to establishing the victim as a suspect in the alleged murder and assault case, two robbers with the initials WH and HO, residents of Beleka Village who managed to escape, were also named suspects in the stealing crime case.

"Victims of robbery are subject to Article 338 of the Criminal Procedure Code for eliminating someone's life, violating the law and Article 351 of the Criminal Procedure Code paragraph (3) committing abuse resulting in the loss of a person's life," he said.

He said the chronology of the incident began when the victim went to East Lombok to deliver food to his mother. Furthermore, in the middle of the road at the TKP the victim was picked up by two robbers and he fought the robbers using a sharp weapon. Not long after, two of the gangster's friends came and fought the victim, but the victim managed to overthrow all of the robbers.

In addition, the evidence that was seized were four sharp weapons and three motorbikes that were allegedly used by the victim and the perpetrators.

"One victim fought four perpetrators, which resulted in the death of two robbers with the initials P (30) and OWP (21), a resident of Beleka Village. Meanwhile, the other two perpetrators fled and are currently being detained," he said.

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