
JAKARTA - The police will implement various strategies in order to solve the severe traffic jam from the 2022 Homecoming. The one-way, contra-flow and odd-even schemes can be applied to the 2022 Eid homecoming vehicles.

"We are taking intervention steps, it takes capacity management. The simplest road will be adding one lane in contra flow. If it's still not enough, it will be one way from Jakarta to the east (Central Java)," said Police Headquarters Inspector General Pol Firman Shantyabudi in a written statement in Jakarta , Thursday April 14th.

One-way implementation will be applied if the application of contra flow does not work effectively. In addition to the one-way scheme, odd-even schemes will also be implemented for the smooth running of the community during going home.

"We will apply the one-way and odd-even policies at the same time," said Firman.

Firman said that the one-way scheme would be implemented starting Thursday, April 28, 2022, or on the last day people go to work. This is because the government has set March 29 Eid leave.

The one-way implementation will be in effect for three days, 28-30 April. Firman appealed to the public to look at the license plate of the vehicle used for going home according to the date.

"From the number of vehicles that are predicted to also go home, we will complete one way with odd-even numbers. We have to do this again and we inform the public so that people can prepare themselves before leaving which vehicle will be used what number plate and when it can be used," he explained. .

Inspector General Firman added that later there would be officers who would guide the field. These officers will direct people to enter toll gates in their respective areas.

Firman also signed a Joint Decree (SKB) with the Director General of Land Transportation and the Director General of Highways. According to Firman, the policy decision was taken according to the results of calculations by experts in the road sector.

"Because the calculation results, if the normal condition of the road must accept the traffic flow of about 200 thousand vehicles, then it will not move. So we apply this policy," he said.

One way homecoming route:

1. Thursday (28/4) at 17.00 WIB - 24.00 WIB starting from KM 47 (Jakarta - Cikampek Toll Road) to KM 414 (Kalikangkung Toll Gate).

2. Friday (29/4) at 07.00 WIB - 24.00 WIB starting from KM 47 (Jakarta - Cikampek Toll Road) to KM 414 (Kalikangkung Toll Gate).

3. Saturday (30/4) at 07.00 WIB - 24.00 WIB starting from KM 47 (Jakarta - Cikampek Toll Road) to KM 414 (Kalikangkung Toll Gate).

4. Sunday (1/5) at 07.00 WIB - 12 WIB starting from KM 47 (Jakarta - Cikampek Toll Road) to KM 414 (Kalikangkung Toll Gate).

One way return route:

1. Friday (6/5) at 14.00 WIB - 24.00 WIB starting from KM 414 (Kalikangkung Toll Gate) to KM 47 (Jakarta - Cikampek Toll Road).

2. Saturday (7/5) at 07.00 WIB - 24.00 WIB starting from KM 414 (Kalikangkung Toll Gate) to KM 3 + 500 (Halim Toll Gate)

3. Sunday (8/5) starting at 07.00 WIB until Monday (9/5) at 03.00 WIB from KM 414 (Kalikangkung Toll Gate) to KM 3 + 500 (Halim Toll Gate).

4. The National Police can also implement a one-way system starting from KM 442 (Bawen Toll Gate) taking into account the traffic volume conditions that occur in the field.

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