
YOGYAKARTA - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of the Special Region of Yogyakarta re-examined the completeness of documents belonging to prospective hajj pilgrims who were delayed leaving in 2020 to prioritize leaving in 2022. 2020," said Head of the Hajj and Umrah Organizing Division (PHU) of the DIY Ministry of Religion, Nadhif when contacted in Yogyakarta, Thursday, April 14. He said a number of documents that were checked for completeness included passports and visas by ensuring their validity period was until 2022. According to him, no less than The 3,000 prospective DIY pilgrims who are delayed in leaving in 2020 have their passports still stored at the DIY Ministry of Religion Regional Office. he said, quoted by Antara. Apart from m To check the completeness of the documents, according to Nadhif, the prospective pilgrims have also been asked to carry out health checks in coordination with the DIY Health Office.

"In terms of rituals, we facilitate guidance throughout the year every Friday. We invite them online as well through Youtube," he said. Although the quota for Indonesia has not been confirmed, according to Nadhif, based on a request from the Government of Saudi Arabia, prospective pilgrims over the age of 65 are not eligible. can go to the Holy Land of Mecca this year. The DIY Ministry of Religion Regional Office has mapped out the names of prospective pilgrims who are expected to depart in 2022. before there is a decision on quota certainty from the center," he said. Policy Analyst of the Acting Section Head of Regular Hajj and Hajj Advocacy of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of DIY Basori Alwi said that of the approximately 3,000 prospective pilgrims who experienced delays in departing in 2020, 40 percent of them were aged over 65 years. "Those who depart this year are those who registered in 2011, so it's been more than 11 years. Previously, the list was s If you are over 50 years old, you can now automatically be subject to that rule (age restriction)," said Basori.

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