
MAKASSAR - Makassar City Government, South Sulawesi, plans to collaborate with Entomo investors from Korea who are experienced in processing organic waste using maggot technology or Black Soldier Fly (BSF).

"Organic waste is specifically food waste using this technology," said Mayor of Makassar, Moh Ramdhan Pomanto after a meeting at his private residence on Jalan Amirullah, Makassar City, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, April 13.

The man who is familiarly called Danny Pomanto said this was also in line with the direction of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) during a meeting to discuss waste management recently in Jakarta.

"So I will include this in waste processing technology. I said the waste is not burned, so we use technology," said Danny.

In addition, the Makassar City Government has even explored cooperation with the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in developing Biodigister technology.

"We have a collaboration with ITB, the biodigister. After the biodigister came here. I asked them if they could come here, it turned out they could. So we made a scheme, as directed by the KPK yesterday, we process all our waste," he said.

According to him, this maggot technology is very interesting, because it can become a cosmetic industry and Makassar City can become one of the pilot areas in Indonesia.

"It means, this is something new and green, so it's pro-environment. I ordered the Environment Agency to respond to this. The tools have been installed. I went on Friday to see. , said Danny Pomanto.

Danny then gave an example of food waste in Makassar at 53 percent, if we talk about 1,000 tons per day, it means that there are 530 tons of food waste per day.

"Now, the scale of the machine is only 3 tons per day. Imagine how much we have to manage food waste. Makassar people like to eat," he said.

"Of course the handling of food waste is different, so we prepare a bucket at home, then we give the tank car, give it in, blend it, take the gas, the rest of the gas is used for maggot," he explained.

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