
JAYAPURA - The Jayapura District Prosecutor's Office (Kejari) will charge 41 companies that are in arrears in payment of BPJS Employment membership dues (BPJAMSOSTEK). The total arrears totaled Rp. 1.5 billion.

Jayapura Kejari Chief Lukas Alexander Sinuraya said the collection was an aid effort.

He said, if his party had received a Special Power of Attorney (SKK) from the Papua Jayapura Branch of BPJAMSOSTEK, the Kejari would immediately follow up according to the rules applicable to any company that was in arrears of membership dues.

"The submission of the SKK is in accordance with the mandate of Article 19 of Law Number 24 of 2011 concerning BPJS in which employers are required to collect contributions that are the burden of participants from their workers and deposit them to BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. Employers are required to pay and deposit the contributions that are their responsibility to BPJS employment," he said.

According to Lukas, if the employer violates this provision, the employer can be subject to criminal sanctions in accordance with Article 55 of Law Number 24 of 2011 concerning BPJS, namely sanctions with a maximum imprisonment of eight years or a maximum fine of Rp. 1 billion.

"With the submission of the SKK, the Prosecutor's Office will issue a warning letter, summon and ask for information," he said, as reported by Antara.

He explained about the arrears of the 41 companies whose names are listed in the letter to immediately settle the payment of the arrears.

"In fact, if it is proven that the company violates the laws and regulations, the State Attorney can enforce the law against the company," he said.

Therefore, he said, his party hopes that the company can be cooperative because this is a mandate from law, so it must be enforced.

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