
JAKARTA - The Sukoharjo Police have named two suspects in the case of abuse that resulted in the death of a minor, UF, in the Kartasura District of Sukoharjo, Central Java.

"We have named two suspects, namely Galih Sukma Buana (24) and Fajar Nur Hidayat (18). The two suspects are cousins of the victim," said Sukoharjo Police Chief, AKBP Wahyu Nugroho Setyawan during a press conference at the Sukoharjo Police Headquarters, Wednesday, April 13, quoted from Antara. .

The two suspects, who are brothers and sisters, were arrested by the police at their home on Tuesday, April 12 at around 21.00 WIB.

The victim died from a hard hit to the back of the head. The victim received the wound after receiving the punishment of his cousin, suspect Fajar Nur Hidayat, on Tuesday at around 12.30 WIB.

The suspect Fajar admitted to punishing the victim by molesting him. The victim was asked to stand up and then both legs were kicked simultaneously, causing the victim to fall backwards and hit the head hard on the floor.

The victim was in a weak condition and was given help by Galih Sukma Buana's wife, Diana. The victim was given food and medicine, but his condition was weak and unconscious.

"The victim was finally taken to the hospital in the afternoon. However, the hospital stated that the victim had died," said the Police Chief.

During the interrogation, the suspect Fajar admitted that he gave the punishment because he was annoyed with the victim. The suspect admitted that he lost control and immediately kicked his cousin's legs and fell backwards.

The suspect admitted that he didn't really think about kicking the victim because he usually hit with his hands.

The sad thing is, it was revealed that the two suspects often abused the victim. The victim was often mistreated because there were many bruises from being hit on his body.

The two suspects were charged with multi-layered articles, namely Article 80 of the Criminal Code paragraph 1 Juncto Article 76 C of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection, with a maximum penalty of three years and six months.

In addition, the two suspects are also charged with Article 351 of the Criminal Code concerning the Crime of Persecution that causes death, which carries a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison.

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