
CILACAP - The Traffic Unit of the Cilacap Resort Police, Central Java, is preparing to secure the Lebaran 2022 homecoming flow on the southern route of Central Java which is the main road and on the southern route of Central Java which is an alternative road. Previously, there were restrictions," said Head of the Cilacap Police Traffic Unit Adjunct Commissioner of Police Ris Andrian Yudo Nugroho in Cilacap, Wednesday, April 13. Because Cilacap's position is in the south-west of Central Java, he said, the activities of the Cilacap Police Traffic Unit were to receive an abundance of homecoming traffic. to Cilacap or crossing the area. According to him, the overflow of the homecoming flow could come through the connecting road between the northern coast line with the southern route (road sections from Tegal to Wangon, ed.) as well as the homecoming flow on the southern route itself. In this case, he continued, travelers from Jakarta heading to Cilacap who passed the toll road and exited at Pejagan could be passed. In this regard, he said that his party is trying to ensure that all main roads in Cilacap that will be traversed by travelers during the Lebaran 2022 homecoming flow are safe and smooth.

"The section of the southern route of Central Java that enters the Cilacap area, namely Karangpucung to Dayeuhluhur or the West Java border, has winding characteristics and there are several points prone to landslides. We make sure when the homecoming flow there is no road repair and the facilities and infrastructure are complete," he said, quoted by Antara. For the southern route of Central Java, he said, currently the road conditions are wide, especially on the Rawa Apu-Cilacap section, so that it becomes an alternative road for travelers from West Java, especially Pangandaran and Ciamis. Usually used as an alternative road to Yogyakarta, it is currently in pretty good condition although there are some roads that are still narrow. , Ris admits that until now the problem is the road damage r He said that his party had sent a letter from the National Road Implementation Unit (Satker PJN) and PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) related to road damage in According to him, the sending of letters to the two agencies was carried out because in accordance with regulations, there are sections of the highway at level crossings which are the responsibility of PT KAI (Persero) and some are the responsibility of the PJN Satker. This will be followed up immediately because during the back and forth flow, the number of passing trains increases so that the crossing gates will open and close more often. If the road conditions are still not good, I think passing vehicles will take longer," said Kasatlantas. In addition to the problem of road damage, his party is also trying to anticipate crowds or traffic jams due to spilled markets on the homecoming route such as Kroya Market and Sampang Market. With security posts for the homecoming flow, his party will set up in several locations such as Mergo which is the provincial boundary, Sampang which is the district boundary, and other crowded centers.

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