JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will step on the gas to investigate allegations of bribery in the ratification of the 2014-2015 RAPBD that ensnared former Riau Governor Annas Maamun.
This was done after Annas withdrew his pretrial submission at the South Jakarta District Court (PN) on Monday, April 4.
"For the case of suspect AM (Annas Maamun, ed), we will immediately resolve it and delegate it to the trial," said Acting Spokesperson for the KPK for Enforcement, Ali Fikri in a written statement, Wednesday, April 13.
Ali said investigators now have about two months to complete their investigation. Including calling a number of witnesses whose statements are needed to complete Annas Maamun's file.
"This is done for the sake of legal certainty in every law enforcement by the KPK," he said.
Furthermore, the KPK ensures that the handling of the alleged bribery case is carried out according to the applicable law. In addition to having pocketed evidence, the announcement of the suspect has also been carried out in conjunction with the forced detention.
"Regarding every case handling, we make sure the KPK complies with the rule of law," said Ali.
Annas Maamun withdrew his pretrial lawsuit. This submission was made to test the validity of the determination of his status as a suspect by the KPK.
"Accepted the request for revocation of pretrial which was registered with the South Jakarta District Court clerk," wrote the case tracking information system (SIPP) of the South Jakarta District Court.
Previously, the KPK named Annas Maamun as a suspect for giving bribes related to the ratification of the Riau Province RAPBD in 2014-2015. He was then detained at the KPK Detention Center in Lot C1.
The case began when Annas served as Governor of Riau in the 2014-2019 period and sent the Draft General Budget Policy (KUA) and the Provisional Budget Priorities and Ceilings (PPAS) for 2015 to the Chairperson of the Riau Provincial DPRD, which was held by Johar Firdaus.
However, in the proposal, it turns out that there are several items related to the budget allocation that has been changed. One of them, related to the budget for the construction of livable houses that should be carried out by the PUPR Service, is the responsibility of the Community Empowerment Agency and Village Government (BPMPD).
This proposal has not yet met an agreement at the Riau Provincial DPRD level. Thus, Annas offered money and other facilities such as official vehicle loans. The goal is that the proposal can be agreed upon.
The KPK said that the money given to representatives of DPRD members reached IDR 900 million.
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