
SUMBAR - Allegations of corruption at the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) Padang, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) are estimated at Rp 3.1 billion.

The Head of Special Criminal Sex at the Padang District Attorney (Kejari), Therry Gutama, said that this was known from a joint exposure with the West Sumatra Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).

"The total state financial loss in this case is known to be IDR 3.1 billion," said Therry in Padang, Tuesday, April 12.

He said the amount was higher than the provisional calculation of the Padang Kejari investigators, who initially estimated the amount of the loss at IDR 2.5 billion.

"BPKP as an auditor institution certainly has its own indicators and assessments in examining state finances according to their expertise," he said, as reported by Antara.

He said that currently investigators are waiting for the official BPKP examination results document, because during the joint exposure last week the report had not been received by the Padang Kejari.

"After we receive the BPKP document as evidence, then the case process remains to ask for information from the auditor as an expert in this case," he explained.

Meanwhile, for general witnesses, he continued, more than 60 witnesses have been examined from the background of the Padang KONI management, the Sports Branch (cabor) management, as well as ASN at the Youth and Sports Service. The Padang Attorney General's Office has also confiscated more than 200 documents as evidence.

Throughout the investigation process, the Padang Attorney General's Office has determined three names as suspects, namely As who is the Chair of KONI for the 2018-2020 period, DV Deputy Chair of KONI, and Nz Deputy Treasurer of KONI for the same period.

They were charged with articles 2, 3, and 9 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption, Juncto (Jo) article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.

"The number of suspects is still three, but it is possible that there will be additional suspects if new evidence or clues are found," he said.

Therry said that his party is now waiting for the documents from the West Sumatra BPKP examination to complete the files so that the case files can be submitted to the research prosecutor (phase I).

The Padang Attorney General's Office found the mode found in the KONI Padang case was the existence of double payments and fictitious business trips in the management for the 2018-2020 period.

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