
PADANG - Police released students who were arrested during a demonstration at the West Sumatra DPRD Building, Padang City, which ended in chaos, Monday, April 11.

"We have released all of them, considering that they are also students," said Padang Police Chief Kombes Imran Amir in Padang, Antara, Monday, April 11.

He said the arrest of the student was part of the use of force to prevent someone from committing a crime.

The riot started when thousands of students staged a demonstration at the east gate of the West Sumatra DPRD Building. They initially made speeches to convey the aspirations they wanted to convey and wanted to meet the leadership of the West Sumatra DPRD.

The team of negotiators recommended that student dialogue be carried out with two options, namely the leader of the mass crowd or student representatives entering the West Sumatra DPRD building.

After some time, the head of the West Sumatra DPRD, Supardi, came to meet the students and asked them to enter the courtyard of the West Sumatra DPRD Building.

"We have coordinated with the Chair of the West Sumatra DPRD and said the room capacity could not accommodate these two thousand students," he said

However, there was no agreement and there were some elements who tried to carry out anarchic actions. "We saw that this action turned into a bad action," he said.

Police were forced to fire tear gas during the riots to disperse students who had pushed the east door to force their way into the West Sumatra DPRD building.

The officers continued to chase the students who continued to throw stones and other hard objects at the officers.

The police fired tear gas and chased the students suspected of throwing the guns and eventually the students slowly dispersed.

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