
SEMARANG - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo ensured that efforts to eradicate extreme poverty in his region will continue following the number of poverty eradication targets that have increased to 19 regions.

"Yes, it keeps on going every year and for sure because there was external pressure yesterday, the COVID-19 condition and so on, we need unusual work," said Ganjar in Semarang, Antara, Monday, April 11.

According to Ganjar, the increase in targets for eliminating extreme poverty is also influenced by external factors, namely the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, Ganjar sees the possibility of invalid data, resulting in additional regions being targeted for eradicating extreme poverty.

"Then at some point it could be added to two things, one, maybe because the data is not valid. Second, yes, it does add up, so we ask for data validation to continue," he said.

Efforts to eradicate extreme poverty in Central Java, continued Ganjar, were also carried out with pentahelix, starting with the "One OPD One Fostered Village Movement", thus collaborating with companies for corporate social responsibility.

"This month of Ramadan is also an opportunity to collaborate with philanthropy, this is an opportunity for people to be able to help, so we just do it from now on, don't have to wait until later. We are doing the non-budgetary strength," he said.

In the Circular Letter of the Ministry of State Secretariat, Secretariat of the Vice President, Number: B-38/KSN/SWP/KK.04.01/02/2022, 212 regencies/cities in 25 provinces are set as priorities for accelerating the elimination of extreme poverty in 2022.

For Central Java, there are 19 regions, while last year the priority targets were five regions.

In the circular, it is stated that in Central Java Province there are 19 extreme poor districts/cities, then in West Java 17 districts/cities, while in East Java 25 districts/cities.

In Central Java Province, the priority targets for alleviating extreme poverty are Banyumas, Purbalingga, Banjarnegara, Kebumen, Wonosobo, Magelang, Boyolali, Klaten, Karanganyar, Sragen, Rembang, Pati, Demak, Kendal, Batang, Pekalongan, Pemalang, Tegal and Brebes. .

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