
YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta Special Region Police have arrested five suspected perpetrators of a street crime on Jalan Gedongkuning, Yogyakarta City, which killed a student.

Director of the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation at the Yogyakarta Police Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi said the five suspected perpetrators with the initials FAS (18), AMH (19), MMA (20), HAA (20), and RS (18) were arrested at their respective residences on September 9. April 2022.

"Five perpetrators were arrested in separate places in their respective homes. The time of the arrest was Saturday (9/4) afternoon until the evening at 20.00 WIB. Each of them had just slept, some had just returned from outside and were arrested at their home," Ade said as reported by Antara, Monday, April 11.

Ade said that based on the examination, the perpetrators, who ranged in age from 18 to 21, were members of a student group or gang in Yogyakarta. "Two high school students, two university students, and one unemployed," he said.

Even the executors or alleged attackers who swung the gear of the motorbike at the victim were still listed as students at one of the vocational schools in Yogyakarta.

"I didn't mention the name of the group. I gave the initials M, they'll be too 'GR' because one of the goals of these groups is to want to be popular. The more we call them, the happier they are," said Ade.

According to Ade, from the five police officers secured a number of evidences ranging from two motorbikes to a motorcycle gear with a diameter of 21 cm which was tied with a yellow martial arts rope.

The police also found additional evidence, including a machete and a machete that the perpetrator had entrusted to his colleague with the initials R.

According to Ade, they plan to eliminate evidence and prepare an alibi so that the police will not track it down.

"So after they finished doing (the crime) they tried to eliminate the evidence and agreed together, come on, you'll talk about this, this, for an alibi and some leave the group (Whatsapp)," he said.

Ade said the alleged perpetrators were suspected of Article 353 Paragraph (3) Juncto Article 55 or Article 351 Paragraph (3) Juncto Article 55 of the Criminal Code on Persecution which resulted in the victim's death with a penalty of seven years in prison.

Previously, a student in the Special Region of Yogyakarta died after being hit by a sharp object in the form of a motorcycle gear by a street criminal on Jalan Gedongkuning, Yogyakarta City, Sunday (3/4) early morning.

The victim was rushed to the Hardjolukito Hospital by an officer from the Directorate of Sabhara Polda DIY who was on patrol. However, his life could not be saved.

"We underline the fact that there was indeed a brawl between the two groups with the motive of insulting each other, giving signals to challenge each other, issuing swear words until finally a chase ensued which resulted in one victim being killed," said Ade.

Before meeting and arguing with the victim's group, said Ade, the five alleged perpetrators had been involved in a sarong war fight with another group of students at 02.00 WIB at the Druwo Crossroad, Yogyakarta South Ringroad.

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