
JAKARTA - The Head of the Public Relations Sub-Section of the DKI Jakarta Education Office appealed to students at the STM, SMA, SMK, to STM levels not to take part in the action that will be held by BEM throughout Indonesia today.

Taga said that most of the students who took part in the demonstration did not know the purpose and demands of the action. This can be seen from the recognition of students during previous actions.

"Learning from two years ago, our STM students were involved by their older brothers, university students. Most of them just joined in. Even when the authorities arrested them, they were asked what demonstration they were, they don't know," said Taga when contacted, Monday, April 11th.

What happened, said Taga, was that instead of receiving education about the right to opinion from this action, the students were actually counterproductive because they just took to the streets.

Taga emphasized that the DKI Provincial Government cannot prohibit students from participating in rallies. Because, this is the right to express the aspirations of citizens guaranteed by law.

However, Taga views students as having a more important task, namely participating in learning activities. Where, currently Jakarta is holding face-to-face learning (PTM) with a capacity of 100 percent.

"We give students an understanding that tomorrow's activity is not forbidden, but we want to convey to them that there are more important things than that. One, they are 100 percent PTM. Second, the condition is also the fasting month," he said.

Therefore, Taga said the DKI Education Office had also asked teachers in every school to ask parents to keep their children from taking part in the demonstration which was planned to be held at the Indonesian House of Representatives today.

"The teachers convey to all parent forums. We need to convey to parents, we take care of our children. Then, we convey to students, this demonstration activity is not something that is prohibited but we see the urgency of the interests of our children what," he explained.

For information, thousands of students who are members of BEM SI will take to the streets to voice their aspirations today. Especially, regarding the clarity of the discourse on postponing the general election (election) and extending the leadership term of President Joko Widodo.

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