
JAKARTA - Director General of State Assets (DJKN) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) Isa Rachmatarwata said that preventing Bambang Trihatmodjo from leaving the country could be lifted. However, the person concerned must first pay off his debt to the state.

According to Isa, Bambang had written to the Ministry of Finance so that the debt was not processed at the State Administrative Court (PTUN). However, this was rejected because the state debt could not be written off.

Because of that, Isa admitted, asked Bambang and his attorney to contact the State Receivables Affairs Committee (PUPN) to find a way out of settling debts other than legal problems that were currently in court.

"His lawyer has written to us and we suggest contacting PUPN DKI so that we can proceed with another way, pay it. If it is paid, we can consider lifting the prevention," he said, in a video conference, Friday, October 2.

Isa explained that until now, DJKN was still following the direction of its superior, namely the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, to prevent Bambang Trihatmodjo from traveling abroad.

"It's not blocked, yes, we just prevent it. Blocking stands for prevent and deter. If people have receivables, we won't block them. What we prevent is to prevent people from going abroad," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding Bambang's lawsuit against the State Administrative Court, the Ministry of Finance admitted that he was ready to face the process according to the provisions of the applicable laws.

Previously, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani prevented Bambang Trihatmodjo from traveling abroad until November 2020, through Decree number 108 / KM.6 / 2020 on May 27.

This prevention was carried out because Bambang had a debt to the government when he served as Chairman of the 1997 SEA Games Organizing Partner Consortium.

Not accepting this, Bambang responded to this preventative action by suing Sri Mulyani at the Jakarta State Administrative Court on September 15.

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