
PADANG--Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto congratulated Dr Fahmi Idris, SE, MH, on his appointment as Honorary Professor of Human Resource Management at Padang State University, Padang, West Sumatra.

"The appointment of Dr. Fahmi Idris, SE, MH, will further strengthen collaboration so that there will be more academic works that are beneficial to the community," said Coordinating Minister Airlangga, among others, in his remarks at the UNP Open Senate Meeting, Saturday, April 9.

"This appointment not only makes me happy but also increases my pride in Pak Fahmi Idris," said Airlangga.

Fahmi Idris, a senior member of the Golkar Party, is believed to fulfill the mandate and expectations of the community. Especially academics.

"He will be increasingly looked forward to for his work and contribution in the community," said the Chairman of the Committee for the Handling of Covid-19 and the National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN).

Fahmi Idris' achievement, said Airlangga, of course, also became an inspiration for doctoral candidates and academics to produce innovative and useful works.

Airlangga appreciated what UNP had done so far. "If the campus does not have sufficient funding facilities for lecturers to study doctoral degrees and publish journals, the Chancellor must step down to facilitate," said Airlangga.

In this regard, the General Chairperson of the Golkar Party explained about the funding support allocated through the Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP). This is a productive innovative research funding support.

In addition, in collaboration with the private sector, the government also provides fiscal incentives in the form of a super deduction tax of up to 30% for R&D activities from campuses or universities.

Airlangga believes that Fahmi Idris will further dedicate his time, thoughts and energy to UNP and the Indonesian nation.

Airlangga, who was accompanied by a number of Golkar Party officials, including the Deputy for Communications and Informatics Nurul Arifin, Deputy Ahmad Dolly Kurnia Tandjung, Secretary General Lodewijk Fredrich Paulus, and Treasurer Dito Ganinduto, on that occasion also handed over "Work for Indonesia" to the Chancellor of UNP, Prof. Drs. H. Ganefri, M.Pd, Ph.D.

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