
JAKARTA - The head of the Batu I Penitentiary (Kalapas) Putu Murdiana said that some of the facilities at the Class I Batu Prison, Nusakambangan Island, Cilacap Regency, Central Java, were in poor condition.

"Today, Saturday, April 9, we are checking all facilities in Batu Lapas to make sure they are still functioning properly or whether they need attention," he said in a statement, quoted by Antara.

In addition, Putu, who has not even been in office for a month at the Kalapas Class I Batu, also wants to suddenly monitor the activities of the employees in carrying out their duties in prison.

He said that based on the results of the inspection, it was known that many facilities in the Class I Batu Lapas were in quite poor condition.

"With the change in status from a general prison to a 'high risk' prison, many facilities in Batu Lapas are no longer used. For example, residential blocks with large capacities are currently unused so they are only used as warehouses," said the former Special Head of the Special Headquarters. Class IIA Karanganyar Nusakambangan.

Kalapas said that other facilities, such as churches and several other buildings, currently no longer function as places of service because there are almost no coaching activities for inmates.

"Guidance activities for prisoners are not non-existent, but almost non-existent. That's because now using the 'one man, one cell' system, ie one cell is inhabited by one inmate," he explained.

Therefore, the unused buildings are currently not well maintained, so his party plans to use them for activities that support the service.

Nevertheless, Putu said the facilities needed or directly in contact with the WBP were still in good condition.

"The facilities needed by the inmates are mostly video call rooms, counseling rooms, health care rooms, and several other facilities that have been fulfilled," he said.

He hopes that all services in the Class I Batu Lapas can be carried out optimally considering that the correctional institution currently inhabited by 95 inmates is the coordinator of prisons throughout Nusakambangan and Cilacap.

In this case, on Nusakambangan Island there are eight correctional institutions, namely Batu Lapas, Narcotics Prison, Iron Prison, Kembangkuning Prison, Permisan Prison, White Sand Prison, Karanganyar Prison, and Open Prison, while in Cilacap there is Cilacap Prison.

Currently in Nusakambangan, the construction of three new correctional institutions, namely the Ngaseman Prison, the Glandakan Prison, and the Nirbaya Prison are currently underway.

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