
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has deposited Rp58 billion in the state treasury. The money is a replacement payment according to the judge's verdict for the convict Tubagus Chaeri Wardana alias Wawan in the corruption case in the procurement of medical devices in the South Tangerang City Government and the Banten Provincial Government.

"Executor Prosecutor Josep Wisnu Sigit and Leo Sukoto Manalu, through the KPK finance bureau, have deposited a total of IDR 58 billion into the state treasury from the obligation to pay the replacement money imposed by the Panel of Judges on behalf of the convict Tubagus Chaeri Wardana alias Wawan," said Acting KPK spokesman Ali. Fikri in his statement, Saturday, April 9th.

Ali also detailed that the Rp58 billion money was the result of the confiscation of assets amounting to Rp36.7 billion. Then, there was a return from Wawan of Rp. 21.4 billion.

On the other hand, the KPK will continue to collect replacement money for corruption convicts. Because, it is a target for the state treasury.

"Collection for payment of replacement money for corruption convicts remains one of the targets carried out by the KPK so that income for the state treasury is maximized," said Ali.

For information, Wawan is currently serving a criminal sentence at the Sukamiskin Prison related to a number of cases, such as the bribery case for handling the 2013 Lebak Regency Election dispute at the Constitutional Court (MK) and corruption in the procurement of medical equipment in the South Tangerang City Government and the Banten Provincial Government.

In addition, Wawan was also found guilty of giving bribes to the former Head of Sukamiskin Headquarters, Wahid Husein. Giving money is intended so that he can enjoy more facilities in the prison.

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