
YOGYAKARTA - Head of the Yogyakarta Ministry of Religion's Regional Office, Masmin Afif, said that the mass distribution of zakat has the potential to invite crowds. He asked the zakat committee to pay attention to it in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

"The government has seen the experience of last year that there were not only many victims, especially since this is a pandemic, it will definitely be a problem," said Masmin Afif in Yogyakarta, Saturday, April 9.

Masmin appealed to residents to take advantage of the services of the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) and other amil zakat institutions to distribute their zakat.

"At least if it's through an official institution, it's guaranteed. The distribution has already been planned so that it can be more evenly distributed and have a better impact," said Masmin.

To residents who want to distribute zakat independently, he appealed to them to deliver their zakat directly to mustahik or zakat recipients. "It's better at that time it can be sent or delivered directly to mustahik," said Masmin, as reported by Antara.

Regarding the distribution of zakat fitrah, he said, zakat amil institutions in rural areas generally have understood the mechanism and rules for the distribution.

"We, the Ministry of Religion, together with the regional government, will supervise. Religious institutions, the community, are also expected to be able to monitor it because it is the trust of the people's property," he said.

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