
GORONTALO - The North Gorontalo Regency Education Office requested that parents in their area give permission for children aged 6 to 11 years to get a COVID-19 vaccination injection during the fasting month of Ramadan 2022.

The head of the North Gorontalo Education Office, Irwan Abudi Usman, said that the COVID-19 vaccination would not cancel the Ramadan fast. This is in accordance with the fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council.

"Injecting vaccines does not cancel fasting. We hope that parents will continue to support the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination for children aged 6 to 11 years in this area," said Irwan in Gorontalo, Friday, April 8, quoted from Antara.

He said that so far the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination for children in the area was going well and smoothly. Vaccination procedures still apply, such as children who will be injected with vaccines must be accompanied by a letter of permission from their parents.

Children's health is still being closely monitored. "Children targeted for vaccination who have health problems will certainly not be vaccinated until their condition recovers," said Irwan.

It was recorded that children aged 6 to 11 years who were targeted for COVID-19 vaccination in the area reached 11,997 people.

Data from the Task Force (Satgas) for the Handling of COVID-19 in North Gorontalo Regency stated that 7,507 children had been vaccinated with the first dose with a percentage of 57.60 percent. In addition, 4,043 children had been vaccinated with the second dose or reached 31.02 percent.

This increase in coverage, he said, continues to be pursued through socialization in every social activity, in collaboration with sub-district and village governments.

"Especially in the month of Ramadan, the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination for children will continue to be held, in coordination with the health office, sub-district government and every school," he concluded.

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